3. 핫이슈! 톡톡 퀴즈!

핫이슈! 톡톡 퀴즈!

Autumn is the season of nuts

작성자 운영자
작성일 2016.10.25
조회수 5,801

Stay Healthy in Autumn by Adding Nuts to Your Diet



Autumn is the season of nuts,

which makes it a great time to load up on the healthy snacks

as they can help reduce the risk of various illnesses including cancer, cardiac and respiratory diseases.


Here are some tips for choosing the right ones. Chestnuts are particularly rich in vitamin C and their thick shells prevent the nutrients from being lost while roasting. They also contain tannin which is good for overcoming fatigue and preventing colds. When buying them, look for plump, firm, and heavy ones with dark, shiny shells. .


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Nuts are very delicious!!!
I like to freeze nuts and eat. It will taste much great♥
16-10-25 07:57 211.☆.37.45
Of course it is very delicious and healthy, too!
16-11-05 01:59 58.☆.234.58