World Robot Olympiad (WRO)

작성자 운영자
작성일 2017.09.01
조회수 1,843

뉴스는 여행이다: Take a look at this amazing video of Costa Rica

.실시간 잼!뉴스 한줄 서비스 : 초중고595로봇제작·경연로봇올림피아드 韓 본선 성료


World Robot Olympiad (WRO) brings together young people from all over the world to develop their creativity, design and problem solving skills through challenging and educational robot competitions and activities. The international WRO final takes place once every year in November and teams qualify from national competitions to represent their countries.

The World Robot Olympiad is a grand event where about 30,000 people from 45 countries take part in.


Recently, the Korean national competition of World Robot Olympiad 2017 was held in Songdo Convensia.


Total of 630 teams participated in this competition in 6 categories including Robot Football.


The winner of each category competes in the international competition that is to be held in Costa Rica this November as a Korean representative.


세계 로봇 올림피아드 (World Robot Olympiad, WRO) develop : 발달시키다 creativity : 창조적임, 창조성 challenging : 도전, 도전하다 final : 결정적인, 결승전 qualify : …의 자격을 얻다, …에게 권한을 주다 competitions : 경쟁 represent : 다시 선사하다 participated : 참여하다 representative : 대표자



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